And I would do anything for love, 
I'd run right into hell and back.
I would do anything for love, 
I'll never lie to you and that's a fact.
And some days it don't come easy, 
And some days it don't come hard,
Some days it don't come at all, and these are the days that never end.
And some days it don't come easy, 
And some days it don't come hard,
Some days it don't come at all, and these are the days that never end.
And maybe I'm crazy. 
Oh it's crazy and it's true.
I know you can save me, no one else can save me now but you.
As long as the planets are turning. 
As long as the stars are burning.
As long as your dreams are coming true, you'd better believe it!
Denna natten har jag drömt en massa olika saker och det har varit så verkligt.
Drömde att du låg bredvid mig, sträckte ut min arm- men du fanns inte nära!
Ångesten infann sig, natten har inte varit enkel!
När du är på min arm eller jag på din är det enda stället jag kan vara 100% lugn!
Vill dela allt med dig! För jag älskar dig!




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